November 30 edit |
NA | RBK | KiLLa, Legal, SupremeAgility, TcM, and TwiZz join. |
EU | B3LA | Cobra, mAxxie, SLG, Stikers, and ZaaQ leave. |
NA | PK | GodRx, Lacefield, Pandur, Parasite, Theory, and Nubzy (Coach) join. |
EU | LP | Alexx, Dqvee, Joshh, MadCat, Peatie, and Op2 (Coach) join. |
NA | LP | Theory leaves. |
EU | UNI | Alexx leaves. |
AP | RG | R34P3R (Business Director) joins. |
NA | | UnderageGoats Qualifffierrr in the CheckMate Gaming ProDown 2018-12-02 Qualifier 3. |
November 29 edit |
AP | RPD | Riqz retires. |
AP | RPD | Curry, DwyLow, Hyparz, and Pastilz join. Claw, Luke, and Spaydz leave. |
NA | 100T | Team is sponsored by Red Bull. |
EU | FACT | Cammy, Chain, Defrag, Maple, and SunnyB join. |
EU | VIT | Chain and Maple leave. |
NA | | Midnight Esports piccoN in the CheckMate Gaming ProDown 2018-12-02 Qualifier 2. |
November 28 edit |
NA | GOR | BuLieVe, HollyDizz, TTinyy, TwerK, and VeXeD join. |
EU | OVT | ATLAS, Breszy, rizK, Wailers, ZeeK, and iKeeyv (Coach) join. |
EU | Sy | Breszy leaves. |
EU | VIT | Wailers leaves. |
AP | iN | Baturi, Crazje, Lucks, Rustabation, and Suttoh join. |
NA | | Morituri eSports HighSocietyFooL in the CheckMate Gaming ProDown 2018-12-02 Qualifier 1. |
NA | | SZN WeWinAgain in the Team Beyond $1,000 2v2 Search and Destroy 2018-11-28. |
November 27 edit |
NA | ATVI | Katie Bedford (Desk Host) joins. |
AP | LV | AliceWonderland, GenGar, and xAxSy join. CoroKanTok, E3NCOUNT, and Nicochan leave. |
AP | iN | Aveen, Inaki, Jericho, and Kush leave. |
November 26 (approx.) edit |
NA | AtK | Boards, Cipher, Crysis, Stolly, and Walrus leave. |
LA | B8 | DDirty joins. Unsolium leaves. |
November 26 edit |
NA | OR | ColeChan, Happy, MiRx, TurnUp2eZ, and Zinx join. |
November 25 edit |
AP | RPD | Claw, Luke, Riqz, Smiley, and Spaydz join. |
EU | EMK | Pabloskis joins. |
NA | RGN | CBALL, Diamondcon, Remy, Shipping, and Stevey join. |
LA | | Virtue Gaming Avalanche Gaming in the ArenaOn Série A 2019 Season 1 Qualifier 7. |
EU | | Antares Esport Benelux AllStars in the Back in Black: Black Ops 4 LAN. |
NA | | UnderageSquad NeedOrgSendHelp in the MLG GameBattles Premium $2500 5v5 CWL Variant 2018-11-25. |
NA | | Forfeit Gaming ICE Scupltures in the SoCal eSports OTS S2.1. |
November 24 edit |
NA | NoP | JTimp, Mizuno, Rampy, Reign6, and Slater join. |
EU | | CRYPTiCK GAMiNG Socially eSports in the ESPU ACL 5K Series 2018-11-24. |
EU | | Ifiwinthisimjustbetter dghf in the MLG GameBattles Premium $1000 3v3 SnD 2018-11-24. |
November 23 edit |
NA | PRS | JHaZe, KaTaNi, Pemby, Redblud, and Zynx join. |
LA | | Avalanche Gaming Virtue Gaming in the ArenaOn Série A 2019 Season 1 Qualifier 6. |
NA | | STRP pusboi in the CheckMate Gaming Elite $1200 4v4 S&D 2018-11-23. |
November 22 edit |
AP | VIN B | Azzi, Fate, Fati, Kytosys, and Restalling join. |
NA | MORI | Archivs, Holler, Jimbo, Stumpfy, and Zack join. |
AP | iN | GaLvZ leaves. |
AP | VIN | Azzi, Fati, and Kytosys leave. |
November 21 edit |
INT | ATVI | Pacman (Analyst) joins. |
NA | RISE | Pacman (Coach,Manager) leaves. |
EU | RAD | Creashy, EL PAPPI, Jambolized, Jord, and Zeno join. |
NA | WaR | Atura, Cells, Dareza, Jump, and RobbieB3319 join. |
EU | BFG | Colgate, Detain, Insight, and Keza join. Revolt rejoins. |
EU | REC | Elamite (Operations Manager) joins. |
EU | VIT | Denza leaves. |
EU | IMP | Denza, Hawqeh, Moose, Reedy, and Vortex join. |
AP | OBI | Bacabec, Cruze, Dean, Lakie, and Tyson leave. |
AP | VRTX | Immense, Killerpie, Perko, Zepa, and Zeuss join. |
AP | VIN | Bacabec, Cruze, Dean, Lakie, and Tyson join. Perko leaves. |
LA | | Virtue Gaming 4LF4 Team in the ArenaOn Série A 2019 Season 1 Qualifier 5. |
November 19 edit |
NA | | OpTic Gaming 100 Thieves in the CheckMate Gaming ProDown 2018-11-18. |
November 18 edit |
NA | FaZe | Replays renames to Crowder. |
NA | HYB | Hate, JuJu, KlinK, Nihill, and Willett join. |
NA | tR | Brack, Demise, JetLi, Parzelion, and Skilliosis join. |
AP | | Tainted Minds Mindfreak in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series AP 2018-11-18. |
EU | | Team Heretics Team Reciprocity in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2018-11-18. |
NA | | Orgless 11-18 Regginald The 3rd in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series NA 2018-11-18. |
EU | | SensoriA.iOD UNiTE Gaming in the SFCO European Tournament 2019. |
November 17 (approx.) edit |
EU | SWN | Braaain joins. Nevo leaves. |
November 17 edit |
NA | | Qualifier BurlyMusquito in the CheckMate Gaming ProDown 2018-11-18 Qualifier 2. |
AP | | Team Obsidium ARRRM in the CWL Las Vegas 2019 Australia National Qualifier. |
NA | | Morituri eSports Team Canada baby in the CWL Las Vegas 2019 Canada National Qualifier. |
EU | | FR Qualifier Supremacy in the CWL Las Vegas 2019 France National Qualifier. |
EU | | tommyahrelite BNL Allstars in the CWL Las Vegas 2019 Germany National Qualifier. |
EU | | iDomina Esports Ehmmm in the CWL Las Vegas 2019 Italy National Qualifier. |
AP | | Rush Gaming CYCLOPS athlete gaming in the CWL Las Vegas 2019 Japan National Qualifier. |
EU | | Team Heretics Movistar Riders in the CWL Las Vegas 2019 Spain National Qualifier. |
EU | | Team Sween Celebrity Hunted in the CWL Las Vegas 2019 United Kingdom National Qualifier. |
NA | | Midnight Esports Reunited Lol in the CWL Las Vegas 2019 United States National Qualifier. |
EU | | RRGRB Oblivion Esports in the MLG GameBattles Premium $1750 5v5 S&D 2018-11-17. |
NA | | WEWOOOOOAJDJIEF TerrorRising in the MLG GameBattles Premium $2500 5v5 S&D 2018-11-17. |
NA | | WEWOOOOOSIIW TeamName in the UMG Gaming Prime $1100 5v5 Variant 2018-11-17. |
November 16 edit |
NA | OG | CouRage (Content Creator) leaves. |
AP | CAG | Ngt and Nicochan join. |
NA | MID | Charullz, Envoy, GodFormz, Performal, and Remedy join. |
LA | | Avalanche Gaming 4LF4 Team in the ArenaOn Série A 2019 Season 1 Qualifier 4. |
NA | | PlanetPassion WeWaveRunnin in the CheckMate Gaming ProDown 2018-11-18 Qualifier 1. |
LA | EVV | Denius, Desmays, Draken, Sukry, and Tayzor leave. |
November 15 edit |
NA | J4L | DeoX, Equuip, Oog, Previewz, and Riviction join. |
NA | LP | Xotic leaves. |
NA | EG | Xotic joins. Lacefield leaves. |
November 14 edit |
NA | C2C | DraMa joins. Hitmxn leaves. |
AP | iN | Aveen, GaLvZ, Inaki, Jericho, and Kush join. |
NA | | BigNarwhal33 HardLouse95 in the CheckMate Gaming Elite $2000 5v5 S&D 2018-11-14. |
NA | | SHOTZZZYONUX idek in the Team Beyond $1000 2v2 Search and Destroy 2018-11-14. |
November 13 edit |
NA | coL | Team is sponsored by WinStar World Casino. |
LA | VrT | Fenix (Analyst) leaves. |
LA | | Avalanche Gaming Virtue Gaming in the ArenaOn Série A 2019 Season 1 Qualifier 3. |
LA | Quad | ReeDZy and Sadderz join. Grooso and Pincha leave. |
LA | EVV | Denius joins. Resingz leaves. |
LA | NOCT | Guti, Lobazus, Neendy, StepoNe, and Traixx join. |
November 12 edit |
NA | 3KG | Delusions, Kyzer, MahirPropheT, Rayvn, and Vivid join. |
NA | UYU | Mayhem, Nova, Proto, Skyz, and Spoof join. |
EU | HTCS N | Team Heretics academy team is formed. Drumpz, FrezR, Glaaix, HeLLioX, Onerakos, and Ades (Coach) join. |
AP | VIN | Monstahh (Player to Manager) changes position. |
EU | | Team Heretics Team Reciprocity in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2018-11-11. |
NA | | OpTic Gaming eUnited in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series NA 2018-11-11. |
LA | ISG | Meethax joins. |
LA | DTG | Supreeme joins. |
LA | CRIM | Supreeme leaves. |
November 11 edit |
NA | a1m | 2Pac ThuGLorD, aHTracT, GoaTizM, Reedr, and SeMuHN join. |
AP | | Mindfreak Tainted Minds in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series AP 2018-11-11. |
NA | | PsykoPaths Gaming SOAL in the UGC Niagara 2018. |
November 10 (approx.) edit |
NA | C2C | GloFrosty joins. |
November 10 edit |
LA | ISG | Fenix leaves. |
LA | B8 | Cllyne, Howked, KBR, Kheyze, and Unsolium join. |
November 9 edit |
NA | SPY B | Ramby and TeddyRecKs leave. |
November 8 edit |
EU | REC | OGRE2 (Manager) joins. |
LA | | Avalanche Gaming Virtue Gaming in the ArenaOn Série A 2019 Season 1 Qualifier 2. |
November 7 edit |
NA | MRKN | TTiny leaves. |
LA | | Avalanche Gaming Virtue Gaming in the ArenaOn Série A 2019 Season 1 Qualifier 1. |
November 6 edit |
LA | 4LF4 | Crawly, DScoTz, and Martino join. |
NA | ExG | Beehzy, Believe, FA5TBALLA, MRuiz, and ProFeeZy join. |
LA | DTG | DreaMz and KonGz join. |
LA | CRIM | BroccoLy, Destinyy, Finkz, SunesT, and Supreeme join. |
LA | NL | Edu, OMGui, PaNiiKz, Suzano, and Truzty join. Martino leaves. |
November 5 edit |
EU | | Team Sween PickUsUpPls in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2018-11-04. |
NA | | OpTic Gaming Orgless 2k 11-04 in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series NA 2018-11-04. |
LA | MAF A | Denius, DreaMz, KonGz, and RaDiiz leave. |
LA | KNi | Supreeme leaves. |
November 4 edit |
AP | RG | Derp, Izzul, and Rainyz join. Axis, SolidRain, and Xenon leave. |
AP | VEN | Derp leaves. |
LA | LgnD | BooM, HeTor, Rakzyy, Rydekz, and WisteD join. |
LA | EVV | Tayzor joins. BooM leaves. |
LA | DTG | HeTor and Rydekz leave. |
NA | | Orlando Reapers Vanity in the AfterDark eSports Orlando Open 4 2018. |
AP | | Tainted Minds Mindfreak in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series AP 2018-11-04. |
November 3 edit |
EU | JSM | Alezy, ChuKy, SeviAS, Xemzed, xRoToo, and iByxeL (Coach) join. |
LA | Ava | Ninnja joins. Horid and Vixen rejoin. Death leaves. |
NA | | LustyMink79 HeftyPheasant78 in the CheckMate Gaming Elite $1000 2v2 S&D 2018-11-03. |
EU | | Oblivion Esports CRYPTiCK GAMiNG in the ESPU ACL 5K Series 2018-11-03. |
NA | | Southside Serpents Rose Esports in the UMG Gaming Prime $1000 5v5 S&D 2018-11-03. |
November 2 edit |
EU | BRA | Benji leaves. |
EU | Gone | Benji, DREAL, endurAAA, Malls, and Zayrox join. |
AP | VEN | LeGiiTz, Luqman, MERKINGz, Mifdzal, and Tholhah join. |
November 1 (approx.) edit |
EU | PNTH | Alexisss, Namek, NETO, and Varandas join. MadReal, SXNNY, Visions, and Voltrix leave. |
EU | TH | Abuzah and Staan join. Kamy and Puenta leave. |
EU | EPSI | Dqvee and Op2 (Coach) leave. |
NA | RISE | Pacman leaves. |
LA | INS | DestShot, digo, JackMercs, Paralizy, and RafaCreed leave. |
NA | InC | BamZeus and Radial join. Bafundo, Ethan2Nice, and Pentagrxm rejoin. |
November 1 edit |
NA | | Viss & Halifax Dr Disrespect & DougisRaw in the BoomTV Code Red 2018-11-01. |