February 27 edit |
NA | Mercy | Team signs roster of Circa eSports. Cells, Evasion, NauX, and Swarley join. |
NA | CRCA | Roster is signed by Mercy eSports. Cells, Evasion, NauX, and Swarley leave. |
NA | MW | Team signs roster of Next Threat. Blazt, Censor, Mochila, and Nagafen join. |
NA | -TT- | Roster is signed by Most Wanted. Blazt, Censor, Mochila, and Nagafen leave. |
LA | sphX | Dihlz and Sheed leave. |
February 27 (approx.) edit |
LA | DTG | Unrational leaves. |
February 26 edit |
NA | eHWK | Dedo, Rallied, TcM, and TwiZz join. |
NA | MID | Team signs roster of Mad Gamers. Glory, Pemby, Phantomz, and ProFeeZy join. |
NA | MadG | Roster is signed by Midnight Esports. Glory, Pemby, Phantomz, and ProFeeZy leave. |
EU | aAa | rizK joins permanently after loan from RedWorld Hope ends. |
EU | RW H | rizK leaves after loan to against All authority ends. |
LA | DTG | BooM leaves. |
NA | | Ghost Gaming Enigma6 Group in the MLG GameBattles Pro League Challenge 2018-02-25. |
LA | EQUL | BooM rejoins. StaniuM leaves. |
LA | Quad | Team signs roster of Achieve eSports. Grooso, Kraven, Pincha, and Real join. |
LA | ACH | Roster is signed by Quad Gaming. Grooso, Kraven, Pincha, and Real leave. |
February 26 (approx.) edit |
EU | 4G | Beasty, Frido, Kolgaa, and Lumbast leave. |
February 25 edit |
LA | | Deathtime Gaming Kings of Silence in the De Vuelta al Suelo. |
NA | | N/A Team WaR in the Esports Arena Battle of Santa Ana. |
NA | | Earthroot Gaming Reign in the Esports Open Tour New Jersey 2018. |
AP | F/A | Team Punctual Exotic Gamers in the Kitamen Sungai Petani 2018. |
LA | | Santo Squad Team SoldieR in the LPL Silver Challenge 2018 Season 1 Qualifier 2. |
EU | F/A | Asteria 11F Dominance in the LuxGameFest 2018 Qualifier 1. |
AP | | Taboo Tainted Minds in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series AP 2018-02-25. |
EU | | RedWorld Hope Overtime Academy in the SFCO European Challenger 2018 Season 2 - Stage 2. |
February 24 edit |
AP | SYF | Eminence retires. |
LA | | Avalanche Gaming Virtue Gaming in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series BR 2018-02-24. |
EU | | hashtag GGEA Purple in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2018-02-25. |
NA | | Lightning Pandas GGEA Orange in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series NA 2018-02-24. |
February 23 edit |
NA | Fyra | Envoy, MoneyMizuno, Risky, and Zackgasm join. |
NA | | SinaloaCartel tinklePOP in the UMG Gaming Prime $1000 2v2 S&D 2018-02-23. |
February 22 edit |
AP | F7 | Cruze, Guydra, and Spaydz leave. |
February 21 edit |
NA | InC | Dimi joins. |
February 20 edit |
AP | F/A | Rival retires. |
AP | F/A | Hopey retires. |
NA | MORI | Beehzy, FA5TBALLA, Holler, and Kade join. |
February 19 edit |
NA | 3KG | Anihmal, GorgoKnight, Hate, and Skyz join. |
EU | pM | LaVidaTiger leaves. |
February 19 (approx.) edit |
LA | DTG | lBroccoLy and Unrational join. |
February 18 edit |
NA | F/A | Saintt retires. |
NA | WaR | RobbieB3319, Skilliosis, Super, and Tisch join. |
NA | ASC | KiLLa, MiRx, Neslo, and Sharp join. |
AP | DG | Azzi leaves. |
LA | LgnD | Dezer7z, HeTor, Rizee, and Rydekz join. |
LA | DTG | HeTor leaves. |
EU | F/A | Team Prismatic Frost Dragons eSports in the Twinety Cup 2018 Online Qualifier 1. |
EU | | Bulldog Esports CRYPTiCK GAMiNG in the VAL Championship League 2018 Season 1. |
February 17 (approx.) edit |
EU | FD | endurAAA and Weeman join. MeLoN and Subsist leave. |
EU | 4G | Snake and Swanny leave. |
February 17 edit |
EU | HTCS | FlexZ (temporary substitute) leaves. |
EU | aAa | Swift joins as temporary substitute for CWL National Circuit France 2018 Stage 2, replacing rizK because age restriction. Dominate leaves. |
EU | 3G | Deleo, Niall, Nolson, and SunnyB join. |
EU | INFS | Deleo, Niall, and Nolson leave. |
AP | F7 | Riqz leaves. |
NA | LTHL | Lickers (temporary substitute) leaves. |
February 16 edit |
EU | aAa | Burn Controllers sponsors the team. Insight, KammyZ, and ZeeK join. Dominate joins as temporary substitute for CWL National Circuit France 2018 Stage 1, replacing rizK because age restriction. rizK is loaned from RedWorld Hope. |
EU | RW H | rizK is loaned to against All authority. |
EU | BC | Dominate, Insight, KammyZ, and ZeeK leave. |
NA | GG.B | Envader joins. FA5TBALLA leaves. |
AP | | Taboo SYF Gaming in the CWL National Circuit Australia 2018 Stage 1. |
NA | | Lightning Pandas We Need A Org in the CWL National Circuit Canada 2018 Stage 1. |
EU | | Team Overtime Supremacy in the CWL National Circuit France 2018 Stage 1. |
EU | | Team iMPacT FC Lahti Menace in the CWL National Circuit Germany 2018 Stage 1. |
EU | | ChargedUp EnD Gaming in the CWL National Circuit Italy 2018 Stage 1. |
EU | | Team Heretics Movistar Riders in the CWL National Circuit Spain 2018 Stage 1. |
EU | | Braaain's Team Team 3G in the CWL National Circuit United Kingdom 2018 Stage 1. |
NA | | GGEA Orange Gone Gaming in the CWL National Circuit United States 2018 Stage 1. |
NA | | compLexity Gaming Reign in the UMG Gaming Prime $2000 4v4 Variant 2018-02-16. |
February 14 edit |
EU | RDX | Dylan, Jambo, LouiCM, and Traudey join. |
NA | HYD | DraMa, Equuip, Storied, and WeeLaY join. |
NA | RGN | Hitman, JetLi, LispZeus, and Neonn join. |
February 12 edit |
EU | VIT | Renault Sport sponsors the team. |
NA | InC | MRuiz leaves. |
NA | | FaZe Clan Epsilon Esports in the MLG GameBattles Pro League Challenge 2018-02-11. |
AF | BVD | Cerberus joins. Clanko and Waffle leave. |
February 11 (approx.) edit |
LA | sphX | Doty leaves. |
February 11 edit |
NA | | Evolve Army XiM in the AfterDark eSports Orlando Open 1 2018. |
AP | | Rush Gaming SCARZ in the Battle Conference 2018. |
AP | F/A | Venom ReD Team Muse in the Kitamen Shah Alam 2018. |
NA | F/A | Earthroot Gaming Armada eSports in the Lan ETS 2018. |
LA | | Santo Squad Team Latency in the LPL Silver Challenge 2018 Season 1 Qualifier 1. |
AP | | Taboo Tainted Minds in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series AP 2018-02-11. |
EU | | Team 3G Wet Umbrella in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2018-02-11. |
February 10 edit |
EU | | Riot Gaming FPL EU Barrage eSports White in the FPL Season 4 EU Showdown. |
LA | | Virtue Gaming Night Killers eSports in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series BR 2018-02-10. |
NA | | FiveGuyz Mad Gamers in the MLG GameBattles 2000 Series NA 2018-02-10. |
February 9 edit |
NA | CRCA | Cells, Evasion, NauX, and Swarley join. |
NA | SPY | FeLo (temporary substitute) leaves. |
NA | | Culture Reckless Team in the UMG Gaming Prime $1300 3v3 S&D 2018-02-09. |
LA | sKAE | Deadly, Paralizy, Perplex, and Reverse join. Soldier and Truzty leave. |
NA | GCE | EliTz leaves. |
February 8 edit |
NA | Gone | Blfire, Havok, Legal, and Mosh join. |
LA | Ava | EliTz and Hnaugur join. |
February 7 edit |
LA | sKAE | PaNiikz leaves. |
LA | 4LF4 | Ruiz leaves. |
February 6 edit |
EU | GG.P | Alexx, Defrag, MarkyB, and Urban join. |
EU | INFS | Defrag leaves. |
February 5 edit |
NA | SPY | FeLo joins as temporary substitute for Week 3 of CWL Pro League 2018 Stage 1, replacing Jurd. |
February 4 edit |
LA | NK | Death, RicK, and Vixen join. |
AP | SZ | GP, Hunt, Leisia, and Panther join. |
EU | | Emperiial eSports dZResurges in the BAP Gaming Berlin 2018. |
EU | | Overtime Academy Delivare in the EGO Urban WWII #2. |
LA | F/A | Ethernum Resilence Eco Fox in the LAN Cali 2018. |
February 3 edit |
NA | | Pittsburgh Knights Lethal Gaming in the FPL Season 4 NA Showdown. |
February 2 edit |
EU | OVT A | Abuzah, Cobra, Puenta, and ReeFleX join. |
NA | | RLRL yolobolo in the PvP Live Plus $ 1500 3v3 S&D 02-02. |
NA | | C2C Gaming FaZe Clan in the UMG Gaming Prime $2000 4v4 S&D 2018-02-02. |
February 1 (approx.) edit |
LA | AMZ | Edu leaves. |
EU | RA | BoabyCee, Bran, Dreamz, and RiRi leave. |
NA | ENTE | KiSMET, Neonn, Reign6, and Zinx join. |
NA | Mock-it | Schillez joins. Terror leaves. |
NA | Gone | Blessed, Fayte, Ripsy, and Zook leave. |
NA | MORI | Alpha, LispZeus, Neonn, and Rammer leave. |
EU | iMP | Kivi, Piero, Prime, and TPiece leave. |
February 1 edit |
LA | sphX | Dihlz and Sheed join. |