October 31 edit |
NA | Jus | DoMo, Forgiven, MPaaC, and Pikachu join. |
October 30 edit |
NA | DRC | Diabolic, Happy, Mosh, and Remy leave. |
EU | BROT | Veziok leaves. |
NA | GRV | Hate joins. |
NA | -TT- | Censor, MiRx, ProoFy, and Ricky join. |
EU | Sy | Veziok joins. |
October 29 edit |
NA | DRC | Diabolic, Happy, Mosh, and Remy join. |
EU | DIV | Cosmo, DaMagic, QuiCky, and Shin join. |
October 28 edit |
NA | IMP | Blazen, Kalani, kLoH, and YRNLuke join. |
EU | MW | Chain, Creza, Subsist, and Verdict leave. |
NA | TGC | HumanJesus, JuJu, KlinK, and Pemby join. |
EU | Sy.A | HyDra leaves. |
LA | | Virtue Gaming Equal Gaming in the Copa Sudamericana 2017. |
NA | | 2018 World Champs Squad of Duos in the Scuf Gaming BOTG Series Ghosts. |
NA | MW | DoMo, Forgiven, MPaaC, and Pikachu leave. |
October 27 edit |
EU | VXG | Kyuubi, Piero, Prime, and TPiece join. |
NA | LTHL | MajorManiak, MuTeX, Ramby, and TeddyRecKs join. |
October 26 edit |
EU | iMP | Ersin leaves. |
October 25 edit |
EU | AER | BoabyCee, endurAAA, SamB, and Weeman join. |
NA | FOX | Assault, Faccento, Gunless, and Saints join. Replays leaves. |
NA | FaZe | Gunless leaves. |
NA | SAUG | Goonjar, Proto, Royalty, and Xotic join. |
EU | VIT | Weeman leaves. |
NA | LG | JKap and John join. Classic and Saints leave. |
October 24 edit |
NA | tK | Chino and Kenny join. Goonjar leaves. |
NA | MW | Forgiven joins. |
October 22 (approx.) edit |
LA | NL | Couti, Fenix, Gecko, and Kraven join. |
LA | NtN | Couti, Fenix, Gecko, and Grooso leave. |
October 22 edit |
EU | pM | FreddyK, Kylix, Pazy, and SyozZ join. |
EU | | Supremacy Academy eVenings Alcyon in the Championnat de France SFCO S2 Challenger IW Playoffs. |
October 21 edit |
NA | RGE | Tfue (Streamer) joins. |
NA | GRV | Anihmal, MShake, and Skyz join. |
EU | | The Rusty Squad CRE in the GameBattles Premium $1,500 3v3 S&D 2017-10-21. |
October 20 edit |
NA | RKTS | Dimi, Nelson, TcM, and TwiZz join. |
LA | | LgnDary e-Sports Hard Fourds Esports in the Expogame 2017. |
October 19 edit |
NA | Ice | Apox, Hec, Huhdle, and Legal join. |
NA | RGL | Hec leaves. |
October 18 edit |
EU | BROT | KammyZ, mAxxie, Veziok, and ZeeK join. |
NA | FLRE | ExiB, Holler, Kade, and MRuiz join. |
October 15 (approx.) edit |
LA | EVV | Lucho leaves. |
EU | ZETH | mAxxie and ZeeK leave. |
October 15 edit |
NA | | BFHT HowdY3eZ in the UMG Gaming Prime $2500 4v4 S&D 2017-10-15. |
October 14 edit |
EU | ZETH | EupHo and iDaaNieeL leave. |
NA | | rwgasdf Believe the Hype in the MLG GameBattles Premium $1500 3v3 S&D 2017-10-14. |
NA | | RisE6 BDR in the Scuf Gaming BOTG Series Modern Warfare 3. |
October 13 edit |
NA | HF | Envader, Foncho, MoTi, and Thing2 join. |
NA | PE | Glory, Lyric, and ProFeeZy leave. |
LA | KTS | Firi, Joni, SanTy, SpaCent, and Nahu (Coach) join. |
LA | T7 | Firi, Joni, SanTy, and SpaCent leave. |
October 12 edit |
EU | MW | Chain, Creza, Subsist, and Verdict join. |
October 11 (approx.) edit |
LA | BD | Mirolla and Vitinho leave. |
October 11 edit |
NA | PE | TcM leaves. |
LA | BD | KBR leaves. |
October 10 edit |
NA | MRKN | FLawLesS, JHaZe, Magik, and Vicious join. |
NA | tK | Symfuhny (Streamer) joins. |
October 9 edit |
EU | | GA Esports Team Stallions in the Barcelona Games World 2017. |
LA | BD | ChooSen and Dirty leave. |
October 8 edit |
LA | DOG$ | Hnaugur, JHustleR, and Martino leave. |
NA | F/A | CMPLX comes out of retirement. |
LA | NtN | Couti, Fenix, Gecko, and Grooso join. |
NA | PE | TcM joins. |
EU | MILL | QwiKeR leaves. |
LA | | Amazing Squad 4LF4 Team in the BSOG Open League 2017 Season 3 Finals. |
LA | | Virtue Gaming Night Killers eSports in the BSOG Pro League 2017 Season 3 Playoffs. |
AF | | Energy Esports Bravado Gaming in the VS Gaming Championship 2017. |
October 7 edit |
NA | PE | Beehzy leaves. |
NA | | Executive Decisions Bronx Monsters in the Scuf Gaming BOTG Series Modern Warfare 2. |
October 6 edit |
EU | | eMonkeyz KIYF eSports Club in the LVP La Copa 2017. |
October 5 edit |
NA | CYC | DraMa joins. Jsano leaves. |
NA | eRa | FEARS joins. |
October 4 edit |
EU | Plm | Zappy joins. |
EU | eRa | Verdict leaves. |
NA | Pnda | Lyric leaves. |
NA | PE | Lyric joins. Beehzy, Glory, and ProFeeZy rejoin. ExiB, Holler, MRuiz, and Tempo leave. |
EU | GH | Inven joins. |
NA | tK | Happy leaves. |
October 2 edit |
NA | Pnda | Riviction leaves. |
AP | SZ | ALIKE and Nicochan leave. |
NA | RGL | Aries, CaLiFa, Hec, and Riviction join. |
LA | | Virtue Gaming Merciless Gaming in the BSOG Pro League 2017 Season 3 Regular Season. |
October 1 (approx.) edit |
NA | Pnda | Nuglect leaves. |
NA | GZ | Blazt, Fero, MBoZe, and Parasite join. |
LA | AFD | ZooNer joins. |
LA | NL | ZooNer leaves. |
NA | 3KG | Solo leaves. |
October 1 edit |
LA | | 4LF4 Team Black8 Team in the BSOG Open League 2017 Season 3 Qualify #6. |
LA | | Virtue Gaming DOG$ Team in the BSOG Pro League 2017 Season 3 Regular Season Week 7. |
NA | F/A | Merryyeepmas Inammish in the DBAP Gaming Challenge 2017. |