Call of Duty Esports Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Infobox/Tournament/i18n/doc

return {
	["en"] = {
		["Address"] = 'Address',
		["Broadcast"] = 'Broadcast',
		["Casters"] = 'Casters',
		["Country"] = 'Country',
		["Date"] = 'Date',
		["EndDate"] = 'End Date',
		["EventType"] = 'Event Type',
		["Format"] = 'Format',
		["Fourth"] = 'Fourth',
		["Links"] = 'Links',
		["Location & Dates"] = 'Location & Dates',
		["Organizer"] = 'Organizer',
		["PrizePool"] = 'Prize Pool',
		["Qualified"] = 'Qualified',
		["Region"] = 'Region',
		["Results"] = 'Results',
		["Rulebook"] = 'Rulebook',
		["Schedule"] = 'Schedule',
		["Second"] = 'Second',
		["Sponsor"] = 'Sponsor(s)',
		["StartDate"] = 'Start Date',
		["Streams"] = 'Streams',
		["Third"] = 'Third',
		["Tournament Information"] = 'Tournament Information',
		["Venue"] = 'Venue',
		["Winner"] = 'Winner',
		["Host"] = 'Host',
		error_InvalidTimezone = 'Error - timezone other than PST/CET/KST is provided',
	["de"] = {
		["Address"] = 'Addresse',
		["Broadcast"] = 'Übertragung',
		["Casters"] = 'Kommentatoren',
		["Country"] = 'Land',
		["Date"] = 'Datum',
		["EndDate"] = 'Ende',
		["EventType"] = 'Eventtyp',
		["Format"] = 'Format',
		["Fourth"] = 'Vierter',
		["Links"] = 'Links',
		["Location & Dates"] = 'Orte & Daten',
		["Organizer"] = 'Organizator',
		["PrizePool"] = 'Preis Pool',
		["Qualified"] = 'Qualifiziert',
		["Region"] = 'Region',
		["Results"] = 'Ergebnisse',
		["Rulebook"] = 'Regelwerk',
		["Schedule"] = 'Spielplan',
		["Second"] = 'Zweiter',
		["Sponsor"] = 'Sponsor(en)',
		["StartDate"] = 'Start',
		["Streams"] = 'Streams',
		["Third"] = 'Dritter',
		["Tournament Information"] = 'Tunierinformationen',
		["Venue"] = 'Spielstätte',
		["Winner"] = 'Sieger',
	["dk"] = {
		["Address"] = 'Addresse',
		["Broadcast"] = 'Udsendelse',
		["Casters"] = 'Kommentator',
		["Country"] = 'Land',
		["Date"] = 'Dato',
		["EndDate"] = 'Slutter',
		["EventType"] = 'Begivenheds Type',
		["Format"] = 'Format',
		["Fourth"] = 'Fjerde',
		["Links"] = 'Links',
		["Location & Dates"] = 'Beliggenhed & Dato',
		["Organizer"] = 'Arrangør',
		["PrizePool"] = 'Præmiepulje',
		["Qualified"] = 'Kvalificeret',
		["Region"] = 'Region',
		["Results"] = 'Resultat',
		["Rulebook"] = 'Regelbog',
		["Schedule"] = 'Tidsplan',
		["Second"] = 'Anden',
		["Sponsor"] = 'Sponsor(er)',
		["StartDate"] = 'Start',
		["Streams"] = 'Streams',
		["Third"] = 'Tredje',
		["Tournament Information"] = 'Turnerings Information',
		["Venue"] = 'Spillested',
		["Winner"] = 'Vinder',
	["es"] = {
		["Address"] = 'Dirección',
		["Broadcast"] = 'Emisión',
		["Casters"] = 'Relatores',
		["Country"] = 'País',
		["Date"] = 'Fecha',
		["EndDate"] = 'Fin de Fecha',
		["EventType"] = 'Tipo de Evento',
		["Format"] = 'Formato',
		["Fourth"] = 'Cuarto',
		["Links"] = 'Links',
		["Location & Dates"] = 'Fecha & Localización',
		["Organizer"] = 'Organizador',
		["PrizePool"] = 'Premio Total',
		["Qualified"] = 'Clasificado',
		["Region"] = 'Región',
		["Results"] = 'Resultados',
		["Rulebook"] = 'Reglamento',
		["Schedule"] = 'Cronograma',
		["Second"] = 'Segundo',
		["Sponsor"] = 'Patrocinador(es)',
		["StartDate"] = 'Fecha de Inicio',
		["Streams"] = 'Transmisión',
		["Third"] = 'Tercero',
		["Tournament Information"] = 'Información del Torneo',
		["Venue"] = 'Lugar',
		["Winner"] = 'Ganador',
	["fr"] = {
		["Address"] = 'Adresse',
		["Broadcast"] = 'Diffusion',
		["Casters"] = 'Commentateurs',
		["Country"] = 'Pays',
		["Date"] = 'Date',
		["EndDate"] = 'Date de Fin',
		["EventType"] = 'Type d\'Événement',
		["Format"] = 'Format',
		["Fourth"] = 'Quatrième',
		["Links"] = 'Liens',
		["Location & Dates"] = 'Lieu et Dates',
		["Organizer"] = 'Organisateur',
		["PrizePool"] = 'Prix Total',
		["Qualified"] = 'Qualifié',
		["Region"] = 'Région',
		["Results"] = 'Résultats',
		["Rulebook"] = 'Réglements',
		["Schedule"] = 'Programme',
		["Second"] = 'Deuxième',
		["Sponsor"] = 'Sponsor(s)',
		["StartDate"] = 'Date de Début',
		["Streams"] = 'Streams',
		["Third"] = 'Troisième',
		["Tournament Information"] = 'Information du Tournoi',
		["Venue"] = 'Lieu',
		["Winner"] = 'Gagnant',
	["it"] = {
		["Address"] = 'Indirizzo',
		["Broadcast"] = 'Broadcast',
		["Casters"] = 'Caster',
		["Country"] = 'Paese',
		["Date"] = 'Date',
		["EndDate"] = 'Data di fine',
		["EventType"] = 'Tipo di evento',
		["Format"] = 'Formato',
		["Fourth"] = 'Quarto',
		["Links"] = 'Link',
		["Location & Dates"] = 'Luogo & Date',
		["Organizer"] = 'Organizzatore',
		["PrizePool"] = 'Montepremi',
		["Qualified"] = 'Qualificato',
		["Region"] = 'Regione',
		["Results"] = 'Risultati',
		["Rulebook"] = 'Regolamento',
		["Schedule"] = 'Calendario',
		["Second"] = 'Secondo',
		["Sponsor"] = 'Sponsor',
		["StartDate"] = 'Data d\'inizio',
		["Streams"] = 'Stream',
		["Third"] = 'Terzo',
		["Tournament Information"] = 'Informazioni',
		["Venue"] = 'Luogo',
		["Winner"] = 'Vincitore',
	["ja"] = {
		["Address"] = '開催地',
		["Casters"] = '実況',
		["Country"] = '開催国',
		["Date"] = '開催日',
		["EndDate"] = '終了日',
		["EventType"] = 'イベント形式',
		["Fourth"] = '4位',
		["Links"] = 'リンク',
		["Organizer"] = '主催',
		["Region"] = '地域',
		["Rulebook"] = 'ルールブック',
		["Schedule"] = 'スケジュール',
		["Second"] = '2位',
		["Sponsor"] = 'スポンサー',
		["StartDate"] = '開始日',
		["Streams"] = '配信',
		["Third"] = '3位',
		["Winner"] = '勝者',
	["pt-br"] = {
		["Address"] = 'Endereço',
		["Broadcast"] = 'Transmissão',
		["Casters"] = 'Casters',
		["Country"] = 'País',
		["Date"] = 'Data',
		["EndDate"] = 'Data de Fim',
		["EventType"] = 'Tipo de Evento',
		["Format"] = 'Formato',
		["Fourth"] = 'Quarto',
		["Links"] = 'Links',
		["Location & Dates"] = 'Locais & Datas',
		["Organizer"] = 'Organizador',
		["PrizePool"] = 'Premiação total',
		["Qualified"] = 'Qualificado',
		["Region"] = 'Região',
		["Results"] = 'Resultados',
		["Rulebook"] = 'Regulamento',
		["Schedule"] = 'Cronograma',
		["Second"] = 'Segundo',
		["Sponsor"] = 'Patrocinador(es)',
		["StartDate"] = 'Data de Início',
		["Streams"] = 'Transmissões',
		["Third"] = 'Terceiro',
		["Tournament Information"] = 'Informações do Torneio',
		["Venue"] = 'Local',
		["Winner"] = 'Vencedor',
	["ru"] = {
		["Address"] = 'Адрес',
		["Broadcast"] = 'Трансляция',
		["Casters"] = 'Ведущие',
		["Country"] = 'Страна',
		["Date"] = 'Дата',
		["EndDate"] = 'Конец',
		["EventType"] = 'Вид Ивента',
		["Format"] = 'Формат',
		["Fourth"] = 'Четвертые',
		["Links"] = 'Ссылки',
		["Location & Dates"] = 'Место и Даты',
		["Organizer"] = 'Организатор',
		["PrizePool"] = 'Призовые',
		["Qualified"] = 'Квалифицированны',
		["Region"] = 'Регион',
		["Results"] = 'Результаты',
		["Rulebook"] = 'Правила',
		["Schedule"] = 'Расписание',
		["Second"] = 'Вторые',
		["Sponsor"] = 'Спонсоры',
		["StartDate"] = 'Начало',
		["Streams"] = 'Стримы',
		["Third"] = 'Третье',
		["Tournament Information"] = 'Информация о Турнире',
		["Venue"] = 'Место',
		["Winner"] = 'Победитель',