Call of Duty Esports Wiki
Team has disbanded.
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Team Information
Org Location
Logitech G
Scuf Gaming
Social Media & Links
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Millenium is an esports organization based in France that currently has teams in Call of Duty, Starcraft II, League of Legends, Fifa, Hearthstone, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Halo, and Fighting games.


Millenium was launched in the year 2000 with the aim of establishing themselves as one of the leading brand names in the eSports community. Millenium is based throughout France and has achieved the highest possible results in a variety of games such as Counter Strike, Star Craft 2, League of Legends etc. With their philosophy of having teams consisting of players all over Europe, they are given the opportunity to showcase their talents to the world under the Millenium brand both online and at major eSports events around the globe. All their players are under contract, allowing them to evolve in a steady and full time environment, ensuring performance and professionalism.


  • 2012
  • 2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018

Player Roster[]

Temporary Subs[]

C ID Name Role Replacing Tournament
Rated Rhys Price 75Objective Melo Call of Duty Championship 2015
AzoX Thomas Albanese 65Support Carbon Gfinity European Pro League Season 1 Premiership Division
Reedy Jordan Reed 61Slayer Rated Gfinity European Pro League Season 2 Premiership Division
MiRx Marcus Carter 67SMG Support Swanny 2016 Call of Duty World League Championship


C ID Name Role Next Team Joined Left
MarkyB Mark Bryceland 62AR Slayer GGEA Purplelogo stdGGEA Purple 2017-03-172017-03-17 2018-01-302018-01-30
Peatie Adam Peate 77Flex Most Wanted EUlogo stdMost Wanted 2017-03-172017-03-17 2018-01-302018-01-30
GunShy Tomas Jones 77Flex None 2017-11-012017-11-01 2018-01-302018-01-30
Urban David Marsh 77Flex GGEA Purplelogo stdGGEA Purple 2017-11-012017-11-01 2018-01-302018-01-30
Moose Tom Handley 77Flex UNILAD Esportslogo stdUNILAD Esports 2017-03-172017-03-17 2017-11-292017-11-29
QwiKeR Shea Sweeney 77Flex Excel Esportslogo stdExcel Esports 2017-06-262017-06-26 2017-10-082017-10-08
Nolson Nick Nolson 77Flex Team Infusedlogo stdTeam Infused 2017-03-172017-03-17 2017-06-262017-06-26
ZeeK Ryan Lapierre 61Slayer ArmaTeamlogo stdArmaTeam 2016-10-262016-10-26 2017-03-152017-03-15
MAxxie Maxime Ebran 65Support ArmaTeamlogo stdArmaTeam 2016-10-262016-10-26 2017-03-152017-03-15
TonyJs Cédric Ruault 65Support ArmaTeamlogo stdArmaTeam 2016-10-262016-10-26 2017-03-152017-03-15
Carbon Ronan Houssein 61Slayer ArmaTeamlogo stdArmaTeam 2017-02-152017-02-15 2017-03-152017-03-15
Malls Eddy Maillard 11Player Supremacylogo stdSupremacy 2016-10-262016-10-26 2017-02-082017-02-08
Swanny Callum Swan 62AR Slayer Team Forgelogo stdTeam Forge 2015-11-252015-11-25 2016-11-112016-11-??
MadCat Dylan Daly 65Support Splycelogo stdSplyce 2016-05-202016-05-20 2016-09-182016-09-18
Tommey Tom Trewen 65Support Fnaticlogo stdFnatic 2015-11-252015-11-25 2016-10-182016-10-18
Jurd Jordan Crowley 64SMG Slayer Splycelogo stdSplyce 2015-11-252015-11-25 2016-09-182016-09-18
Gotaga Corentin Houssein 61Slayer Team Vitalitylogo stdTeam Vitality
Reedy Jordan Reed 65Support Splycelogo stdSplyce
Rated Rhys Price 61Slayer Epsilon Esports EUlogo stdEpsilon Esports
Moose Tom Handley 65Support Epsilon Esports EUlogo stdEpsilon Esports
Joee Joseph Pinnington 61Slayer Vitality.Stormlogo stdVitality.Storm
Melo Alexandre Boin 61Slayer HyperGames Teamlogo stdHyperGames Team
Krnage Jordy Mercier 65Support Managerlogo stdManager
MarkyB Mark Bryceland 75Objective Team Infusedlogo stdTeam Infused
Jake Jake Dalton 61Slayer Team Infusedlogo stdTeam Infused
Julioo Julien J. 65Support Retiredlogo stdRetired
Getsom Jonathan Sousa 65Support Vitality.Xlogo stdVitality.X
TonyJs Cedric Ruault 75Objective HyperGames Teamlogo stdHyperGames Team
Zeroo Valentin Langlet 61Slayer HyperGames Teamlogo stdHyperGames Team
Chewyy Anthony Langlet 75Objective Retiredlogo stdRetired
Zayrox Arthur Chabas 61Slayer Vitality.Darklogo stdVitality.Dark
MAxxie Maxime Ebran 75Objective HyperGames Teamlogo stdHyperGames Team
ZylewR Julien Louis 75Objective Ascentia Gaminglogo stdAscentia Gaming
Agonie Maxime Di Falco 61Slayer Team Vitalitylogo stdTeam Vitality
Oxygen Jonas Ferry 75Objective Team Vitalitylogo stdTeam Vitality
BroKeN Kevin Georges 75Objective Team Vitalitylogo stdTeam Vitality
RiskiN Clément Hattée 61Slayer Team Vitalitylogo stdTeam Vitality
DZT Samir Peru 61Slayer Team Vitalitylogo stdTeam Vitality
LowAn Loann Graniczny 75Objective Retiredlogo stdRetired



C ID Name Position
Sasha Brodowski Head of eSports
Samishh Samy Mazouzi Head Manager


C ID Name Position Next Team
Dinge Coach None
Llewellys Rémy Chanson Head of eSports ArmaTeamlogo stdArmaTeam

Team Achievements[]

This table shows up to the 10 most recent results. For complete results, click here.

Millenium Tournament Results - Show Prize as (LocalUSDEuros)
2018-01-1421 - 24 CWL New Orleans Open 2018 MarkyB •  Peatie •  Urban •  GunShy
2018-01-085 - 8 MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2018-01-07 MarkyB •  Peatie •  Urban •  GunShy
2018-01-015 - 8 MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2017-12-30 MarkyB •  Peatie •  Urban •  GunShy
2017-12-185 - 8 MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2017-12-17 MarkyB •  Peatie •  Urban •  GunShy
2017-12-1021 - 24 CWL Dallas Open 2018 MarkyB •  Peatie •  Urban •  GunShy
2017-12-049 - 16 MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2017-12-03 MarkyB •  Peatie •  Urban •  GunShy
2017-11-2717 - 32 MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2017-11-26 MarkyB •  Peatie •  Urban •  GunShy
2017-11-199 - 16 MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2017-11-19 MarkyB •  Peatie •  Urban •  GunShy
2017-11-1217 - 32 MLG GameBattles 2000 Series EU 2017-11-12 MarkyB •  Peatie •  Urban •  GunShy
2017-11-022 Paris Games Week ShowMatch AllStars Krnage •  LowAn •  Carbon •  Melo
Total Prize:USD 0


  • 2015
  • 2016


External links[]

