Call of Duty Esports Wiki
Call of Duty Esports Wiki
Team size=25px size=25px size=25px
1 OpTic Gaminglogo stdOpTic Gaming 25 11 13
2 CompLexity Gaminglogo stdcompLexity Gaming 12 3 1
3 Atlanta FaZelogo stdAtlanta FaZe 10 13 8
4 Epsilon Esports EUlogo stdEpsilon Esports 7 7 4
5 FaZe Clanlogo stdFaZe Clan 7 3 9
6 Mindfreaklogo stdMindfreak 7 1 2
7 Rise Nationlogo stdRise Nation 6 3 7
8 New York Sublinerslogo stdNew York Subliners 6 3 6
9 Team Envylogo stdTeam Envy 5 14 5
10 Toronto Ultralogo stdToronto Ultra 5 4 7
11 Team Kaliberlogo stdTeam Kaliber 4 5 6
12 Luminosity Gaminglogo stdLuminosity Gaming 4 4 7
13 TCM-Gaminglogo stdTCM-Gaming 4 4 3
14 Dallas Empirelogo stdDallas Empire 4 3 6
15 Fariko Impactlogo stdFariko Impact 4 0 2
16 Milleniumlogo stdMillenium 3 5 3
17 EUnitedlogo stdeUnited 3 4 2
18 OpTic Texaslogo stdOpTic Texas 3 3 3
19 Team FeaRlogo stdTeam FeaR 3 3 2
20 Los Angeles Thieveslogo stdLos Angeles Thieves 3 2 1
21 Elevatelogo stdElevate 3 1 7
22 Fnaticlogo stdFnatic 3 1 3
23 Evil Geniuseslogo stdEvil Geniuses 3 1 2
24 Team Infusedlogo stdTeam Infused 3 1 2
25 Florida Mutineerslogo stdFlorida Mutineers 3 1 1
26 Splycelogo stdSplyce 2 9 3
27 Denial Esports NAlogo stdDenial Esports 2 6 2
28 100 Thieveslogo std100 Thieves 2 2 0
29 Chicago Huntsmenlogo stdChicago Huntsmen 2 1 4
30 Vitality.Stormlogo stdVitality.Storm 2 1 1
31 ApeX eSports NAlogo stdapeX eSports NA 2 0 0
32 Libalent Vertexlogo stdLibalent Vertex 2 0 0
33 Quantic LeveraGelogo stdQuantic LeveraGe 2 0 0
34 Renegadeslogo stdRenegades 2 0 0
35 Team Falconslogo stdTeam Falcons 2 0 0
36 Tribe Gaminglogo stdTribe Gaming 2 0 0
37 Qing Jiu Clublogo stdQing Jiu Club 1 3 1
38 Minnesota RØKKRlogo stdMinnesota RØKKR 1 2 4
39 Seattle Surgelogo stdSeattle Surge 1 2 2
40 Team WaRlogo stdTeam WaR 1 1 2
41 FC Blacklogo stdFC Black 1 1 1
42 Strictly Business Gaminglogo stdStrictly Business 1 1 1
43 UNiTE Gaminglogo stdUNiTE Gaming 1 1 1
44 Wolveslogo stdWolves 1 1 1
45 Xtravagantlogo stdXtravagant 1 1 1
46 ALMGHTYlogo stdALMGHTY 1 1 0
47 ApeX.Collapselogo stdapeX.Collapse 1 1 0
48 Orbit eSport EUlogo stdOrbit eSport 1 1 0
49 Team Singularitylogo stdTeam Singularity 1 1 0
50 Curse LVlogo stdCurse LV 1 0 2
51 Los Angeles Guerrillaslogo stdLos Angeles Guerrillas 1 0 2
52 LeveraGelogo stdLeveraGe 1 0 1
53 Blacklist International Ultimatelogo stdBlacklist Ultimate 1 0 0
54 Douyu Gaminglogo stdDouyu Gaming 1 0 0
55 EQuinox eSportslogo stdeQuinox eSports 1 0 0
56 Influencelogo stdInfluence 1 0 0
57 Iron Blood Gaminglogo stdIron Blood Gaming 1 0 0
58 Lore Gaminglogo stdLore Gaming 1 0 0
59 MythiX eSportslogo stdmythiX eSports 1 0 0
60 OMiTlogo stdOMiT 1 0 0
61 Quantic Nex-TT-hreatlogo stdQuantic Nex-TT-hreat 1 0 0
62 The Atlas Lionslogo stdThe Atlas Lions 1 0 0
63 The Bhoyslogo stdThe Bhoys 1 0 0
64 Triumphlogo stdTriumph 1 0 0
65 VanQuish Gaminglogo stdVanQuish Gaming 1 0 0
66 Virtue Gaminglogo stdVirtue Gaming 1 0 0
67 We Are Trying Nowlogo stdWe Are Trying Now 1 0 0
68 Red Reservelogo stdRed Reserve 0 3 1
69 Tainted Mindslogo stdTainted Minds 0 2 1
70 Gen.Glogo stdGen.G 0 2 0
71 London Royal Ravenslogo stdLondon Royal Ravens 0 1 3
72 OpTic Gaming Los Angeleslogo stdOpTic Gaming Los Angeles 0 1 3
73 Exertus eSportslogo stdExertus eSports 0 1 2
74 HyperGames Teamlogo stdHyperGames Team 0 1 2
75 Prophecylogo stdProphecy 0 1 2
76 Aware Gaming EUlogo stdAware Gaming 0 1 1
77 Mazer Gaminglogo stdMazer Gaming 0 1 1
78 Paris Legionlogo stdParis Legion 0 1 1
79 Revengelogo stdRevenge 0 1 1
80 SK Gaminglogo stdSK Gaming 0 1 1
81 Team Obeylogo stdTeam Obey 0 1 1
82 Team Orbit ANZlogo stdTeam Orbit 0 1 1
83 The Chiefs Esports Clublogo stdChiefs Esports Club 0 1 1
84 All Knightslogo stdAll Knights 0 1 0
85 Amelia Strayslogo stdAmelia Strays 0 1 0
86 ARP Gaminglogo stdARP Gaming 0 1 0
87 Art of eXecutionlogo stdArt of eXecution 0 1 0
88 Built by Gamerslogo stdBuilt by Gamers 0 1 0
89 Carnage Gaminglogo stdCarnage Gaming 0 1 0
90 Carolina Royal Ravenslogo stdCarolina Royal Ravens 0 1 0
91 Cloud9logo stdCloud9 0 1 0
92 CYCLOPS athlete gaminglogo stdCYCLOPS athlete gaming 0 1 0
93 Dream Teamlogo stdDream Team 0 1 0
94 GodLike Esportslogo stdGodLike Esports 0 1 0
95 Hybrid Blacklogo stdHybrid Black 0 1 0
96 Impactlogo stdImpact 0 1 0
97 JuKeDlogo stdJuKeD 0 1 0
98 Kairos Esportslogo stdKairos Esports 0 1 0
99 Noble.VanQuishlogo stdNoble.VanQuish 0 1 0
100 SoaR Gaminglogo stdSoaR Gaming 0 1 0
101 Stunner Gaminglogo stdStunner Gaming 0 1 0
102 Team Exile5.T1logo stdTeam Exile5.T1 0 1 0
103 Team Notoriouslogo stdTeam Notorious 0 1 0
104 Team Violent Apprehensionlogo stdTeam Violent Apprehension 0 1 0
105 Toronto Ultra Academy NAlogo stdUltra Academy NA 0 1 0
106 Vertex Gaminglogo stdVertex Gaming 0 1 0
107 OpTic Nationlogo stdOpTic Nation 0 0 3
108 Cyclone NAlogo stdCyclone 0 0 2
109 Epsilon Esports NAlogo stdEpsilon Esports 0 0 2
110 FaZe Redlogo stdFaZe Red 0 0 2
111 Most Wantedlogo stdMost Wanted 0 0 2
112 Rush Gaminglogo stdRush Gaming 0 0 2
113 Team Immunitylogo stdTeam Immunity 0 0 2
114 3sUPlogo std3sUP 0 0 1
115 Arial Ariselogo stdArial Arise 0 0 1
116 Ascentia Gaminglogo stdAscentia Gaming 0 0 1
117 Aspire eSportslogo stdAspire eSports 0 0 1
118 Boston Breachlogo stdBoston Breach 0 0 1
119 Connectlogo stdConnect 0 0 1
120 Curse NAlogo stdCurse 0 0 1
121 Decimate Gaminglogo stdDecimate Gaming 0 0 1
122 Denial Esports EUlogo stdDenial Esports 0 0 1
123 Enigma6 Grouplogo stdEnigma6 Group 0 0 1
124 Five Starlogo stdFive Star 0 0 1
125 Giants Gaminglogo stdGiants Gaming 0 0 1
126 H2k-Gaminglogo stdH2k-Gaming 0 0 1
127 INCO Gaminglogo stdiNCO Gaming 0 0 1
128 InFamouS eSportlogo stdInFamouS eSport 0 0 1
129 Integral Nationlogo stdIntegral Nation 0 0 1
130 OpTic Chicagologo stdOpTic Chicago 0 0 1
131 Reign eSportslogo stdReign eSports 0 0 1
132 STMN Esportslogo stdSTMN Esports 0 0 1
133 Logo stdTeam Finland 0 0 1
134 Team JusTuslogo stdTeam JusTus 0 0 1
135 Team Liquidlogo stdTeam Liquid 0 0 1
136 Team Orbit UKlogo stdTeam Orbit 0 0 1
137 Team Reciprocitylogo stdTeam Reciprocity 0 0 1
138 Validate Blacklogo stdValidate Black 0 0 1
139 Vancouver Surgelogo stdVancouver Surge 0 0 1
140 VexX Gaminglogo stdVexX Gaming 0 0 1
141 Vitality.Riseslogo stdVitality.Rises 0 0 1
142 VVv Gaminglogo stdvVv Gaming 0 0 1
143 VwS Gaminglogo stdVwS Gaming 0 0 1