Call of Duty Esports Wiki
Call of Duty Esports Wiki
College CoD 2022 West
CCLlogo square
Tournament Information
OrganizerCollege CoD
Location & Dates
North America
LocationNorth America
Start Date2022-01-16
End Date2022-04-16



  • Round Robin against each team in pool

Game Types and Maps[]

  • Hardpoint: Berlin, Bocage, Desert Siege, Gavutu, Tuscan
  • Search & Destroy: Berlin, Bocage, Demyansk, Desert Siege, Tuscan
For the full 2022 Season Ruleset, click here

Prize Pool[]

PlacePrizePrize (%)TeamRoster


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Uni. of Oregon
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University of Oregonlogo square




Boise State Uni.
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Boise State Universitylogo square




Keyano College
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Keyano Collegelogo square




Grand Canyon Uni.
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Grand Canyon Universitylogo square




CU Boulder
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University of Colorado at Boulderlogo square




Crimson Gaming
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Crimson Gaminglogo square




Northern Arizona Uni.
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Northern Arizona Universitylogo square




New Mexico St. Uni.
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New Mexico State Universitylogo square







Oregon State University
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Oregon State Universitylogo square




Dixie State Uni.
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Dixie State Universitylogo square




Arizona State Uni.
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Arizona State Universitylogo square




Uni. of New Mexico
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University of New Mexicologo square




US Air Force Academy
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United States Air Force Academylogo square




CSU Northridge
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California State University Northridgelogo square




CSU Long Beach
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California State University at Long Beachlogo square




Irvine Valley College
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Irvine Valley Collegelogo square




El Camino College
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El Camino Collegelogo square




Whittier College
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Whittier Collegelogo square




Westcliff University
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Westcliff Universitylogo square




Uni. of Cal Riverside
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University of California Riversidelogo square




San Francisco St. Uni.
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San Francisco State Universitylogo square




Marymount Cali Uni.
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Marymount California Universitylogo square




UC Irvine
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University of California at Irvinelogo square




CSU San Bernardino
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California State University San Bernardinologo square




Uni. of Cal Berkeley
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University of California Berkeleylogo square




SW OK State Uni.
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Southwestern Oklahoma State Universitylogo square




Oklahoma State Uni.
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Oklahoma State Universitylogo square




Bethany College
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Bethany Collegelogo square





Independence CC
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Independence Community Collegelogo square




Northeastern St. Uni.
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Northeastern State Universitylogo square




McPherson College
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McPherson Collegelogo square




Oklahoma Uni.
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Oklahoma Universitylogo square







Uni. of Central Oklahoma
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University of Central Oklahomalogo square





Fort Hays State Uni.
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Fort Hays State Universitylogo square




Coffeyville Community College
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Logo square




TAMU San Antonio
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Texas A&M University-San Antoniologo square




St. Edward's Uni.
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St. Edward's Universitylogo square





St. Mary's Uni.
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St. Mary's Universitylogo square




Uni. of Texas A
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University of Texas At Arlingtonlogo square




West Texas A&M Uni.
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West Texas A&M Universitylogo square




Texas A&M Uni.
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Texas A&M Universitylogo square




Uni. of Texas
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University of Texaslogo square




Texas Tech
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Texas Tech Universitylogo square




Texas State Uni.
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Texas State Universitylogo square




Stephen F Austin St. Uni.
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Stephen F Austin State Universitylogo square




Uni. of Texas D
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University of Texas At Dallaslogo square




Hardin-Simmons Uni.
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Hardin-Simmons Universitylogo square






Pool A (Stage 1)[]

1Arizona State Universitylogo stdArizona State University11 - 0100%33 - 294%
2University of New Mexicologo stdUniversity of New Mexico9 - 190%28 - 585%
3New Mexico State Universitylogo stdNew Mexico State University9 - 282%29 - 878%
4University of Oregonlogo stdUniversity of Oregon9 - 282%28 - 682%
5University of Colorado at Boulderlogo stdUniversity of Colorado at Boulder8 - 280%24 - 1267%
6Northern Arizona Universitylogo stdNorthern Arizona University6 - 555%20 - 1853%
7Crimson Gaminglogo stdCrimson Gaming5 - 550%19 - 1654%
8Oregon State Universitylogo stdOregon State University5 - 645%20 - 2050%
9United States Air Force Academylogo stdUnited States Air Force Academy3 - 730%9 - 2130%
10Boise State Universitylogo stdBoise State University3 - 827%14 - 2437%
11Dixie State Universitylogo stdDixie State University2 - 918%6 - 2718%
12Keyano Collegelogo stdKeyano College1 - 109%3 - 309%
13Grand Canyon Universitylogo stdGrand Canyon University0 - 120%0 - 360%

Pool B (Stage 1)[]

1Westcliff Universitylogo stdWestcliff University10 - 0100%30 - 197%
2California State University Northridgelogo stdCalifornia State University Northridge8 - 280%25 - 974%
3University of California at Irvinelogo stdUniversity of California at Irvine8 - 280%24 - 973%
4California State University San Bernardinologo stdCalifornia State University San Bernardino7 - 370%25 - 1071%
5University of California Riversidelogo stdUniversity of California Riverside7 - 370%22 - 1363%
6California State University at Long Beachlogo stdCalifornia State University at Long Beach6 - 460%21 - 1264%
7San Francisco State Universitylogo stdSan Francisco State University5 - 550%15 - 1747%
8University of California Berkeleylogo stdUniversity of California Berkeley3 - 730%12 - 2334%
9Whittier Collegelogo stdWhittier College3 - 730%13 - 2138%
10Irvine Valley Collegelogo stdIrvine Valley College2 - 820%6 - 2420%
11Marymount California Universitylogo stdMarymount California University1 - 910%3 - 2710%
12El Camino Collegelogo stdEl Camino College0 - 100%0 - 300%

Pool C (Stage 1)[]

1Ottawa Universitylogo stdOttawa University10 - 0100%30 - 0100%
2Independence Community Collegelogo stdIndependence Community College9 - 190%27 - 390%
3Oklahoma State Universitylogo stdOklahoma State University8 - 280%24 - 777%
4Oklahoma Christian Universitylogo stdOklahoma Christian University7 - 370%22 - 971%
5McPherson Collegelogo stdMcPherson College7 - 370%21 - 1264%
6University of Central Oklahomalogo stdUniversity of Central Oklahoma5 - 550%15 - 1747%
7Fort Hays State Universitylogo stdFort Hays State University5 - 550%15 - 1747%
8Bethany Collegelogo stdBethany College3 - 730%15 - 2241%
9Southwestern Oklahoma State Universitylogo stdSouthwestern Oklahoma State University3 - 730%11 - 2134%
10Northeastern State Universitylogo stdNortheastern State University2 - 820%6 - 2420%
11Logo stdCoffeyville Community College1 - 910%3 - 2710%
12Oklahoma Universitylogo stdOklahoma University0 - 100%0 - 300%

Pool D (Stage 1)[]

1St. Edward's Universitylogo stdSt. Edward's University10 - 0100%30 - 294%
2Texas State Universitylogo stdTexas State University9 - 190%29 - 488%
3University of Texaslogo stdUniversity of Texas7 - 370%23 - 1168%
4Texas Tech Universitylogo stdTexas Tech University7 - 370%23 - 1266%
5Texas A&M Universitylogo stdTexas A&M University7 - 370%22 - 1167%
6University of Texas At Arlingtonlogo stdUniversity of Texas At Arlington6 - 460%20 - 1263%
7Stephen F Austin State Universitylogo stdStephen F Austin State University4 - 640%12 - 1840%
8Texas A&M University-San Antoniologo stdTexas A&M University-San Antonio4 - 640%12 - 2038%
9St. Mary's Universitylogo stdSt. Mary's University3 - 730%10 - 2132%
10West Texas A&M Universitylogo stdWest Texas A&M University2 - 820%7 - 2621%
11Hardin-Simmons Universitylogo stdHardin-Simmons University1 - 910%3 - 2710%
12University of Texas At Dallaslogo stdUniversity of Texas At Dallas0 - 100%3 - 309%


Pool A (Stage 2)[]

1Ottawa Universitylogo stdOttawa University11 - 0100%0 - 00%
2Arizona State Universitylogo stdArizona State University9 - 282%0 - 00%
3Independence Community Collegelogo stdIndependence Community College9 - 282%0 - 00%
4St. Edward's Universitylogo stdSt. Edward's University8 - 373%0 - 00%
5Westcliff Universitylogo stdWestcliff University8 - 373%0 - 00%
6Texas State Universitylogo stdTexas State University6 - 555%0 - 00%
7University of Texaslogo stdUniversity of Texas5 - 645%0 - 00%
8Oklahoma State Universitylogo stdOklahoma State University4 - 736%0 - 00%
9California State University Northridgelogo stdCalifornia State University Northridge3 - 827%0 - 00%
10University of New Mexicologo stdUniversity of New Mexico2 - 918%0 - 00%
11University of California at Irvinelogo stdUniversity of California at Irvine1 - 109%0 - 00%
12Grand Canyon Universitylogo stdGrand Canyon University0 - 110%0 - 00%

Pool B (Stage 2)[]

1New Mexico State Universitylogo stdNew Mexico State University11 - 0100%0 - 00%
2Oklahoma Christian Universitylogo stdOklahoma Christian University9 - 282%0 - 00%
3University of Oregonlogo stdUniversity of Oregon9 - 375%0 - 00%
4Texas A&M Universitylogo stdTexas A&M University7 - 464%0 - 00%
5Texas Tech Universitylogo stdTexas Tech University7 - 464%0 - 00%
6University of Colorado at Boulderlogo stdUniversity of Colorado at Boulder7 - 464%0 - 00%
7California State University San Bernardinologo stdCalifornia State University San Bernardino5 - 550%0 - 00%
8California State University at Long Beachlogo stdCalifornia State University at Long Beach4 - 736%0 - 00%
9University of Texas At Arlingtonlogo stdUniversity of Texas At Arlington3 - 827%0 - 00%
10McPherson Collegelogo stdMcPherson College3 - 730%0 - 00%
11University of Central Oklahomalogo stdUniversity of Central Oklahoma1 - 109%0 - 00%
12University of California Riversidelogo stdUniversity of California Riverside0 - 110%0 - 00%

Pool C (Stage 2)[]

1Crimson Gaminglogo stdCrimson Gaming11 - 0100%0 - 00%
2Northern Arizona Universitylogo stdNorthern Arizona University10 - 191%0 - 00%
3Oregon State Universitylogo stdOregon State University9 - 282%0 - 00%
4Bethany Collegelogo stdBethany College7 - 464%0 - 00%
5Fort Hays State Universitylogo stdFort Hays State University7 - 464%0 - 00%
6San Francisco State Universitylogo stdSan Francisco State University7 - 464%0 - 00%
7University of California Berkeleylogo stdUniversity of California Berkeley5 - 645%0 - 00%
8St. Mary's Universitylogo stdSt. Mary's University3 - 827%0 - 00%
9Southwestern Oklahoma State Universitylogo stdSouthwestern Oklahoma State University3 - 827%0 - 00%
10Texas A&M University-San Antoniologo stdTexas A&M University-San Antonio2 - 918%0 - 00%
11Stephen F Austin State Universitylogo stdStephen F Austin State University1 - 109%0 - 00%
12Whittier Collegelogo stdWhittier College1 - 109%0 - 00%

Pool D (Stage 2)[]

1United States Air Force Academylogo stdUnited States Air Force Academy6 - 186%0 - 00%
2Boise State Universitylogo stdBoise State University6 - 186%0 - 00%
3Logo stdCoffeyville Community College5 - 271%0 - 00%
4Keyano Collegelogo stdKeyano College4 - 357%0 - 00%
5Dixie State Universitylogo stdDixie State University3 - 443%0 - 00%
6Northeastern State Universitylogo stdNortheastern State University3 - 443%0 - 00%
7West Texas A&M Universitylogo stdWest Texas A&M University1 - 614%0 - 00%
8Hardin-Simmons Universitylogo stdHardin-Simmons University0 - 70%0 - 00%


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