Call of Duty Esports Wiki
Call of Duty Challengers 2024 Season
Tournament Information
Location & Dates
GameModern Warfare III
Start Date2024-01-21
End Date2024-07-21

Call of Duty Challengers 2024 is a global open path to pro circuit for the Call of Duty League operated by Activision. For more information about the circuit, see Call of Duty Challengers.



Challengers Cups

Prizing Breakdown

Placement Points NA EU AP LA
1st 2000 $2000 $2000 $1000 $1000
2nd 1500 $500 $500 $500 $500
3rd 1250 $0 $0 $0 $0
4th 1200 $0 $0 $0 $0
5th-6th 1000 $0 $0 $0 $0
7th-8th 800 $0 $0 $0 $0
9th-16th 600 $0 $0 $0 $0
17th-32nd 200 $0 $0 $0 $0
33rd-64th 100 $0 $0 $0 $0
Challengers Elite Playoffs

Prizing & Relegation Breakdown

Placement Points NA EU Result
1st 15000 $24000 $24000 Retained Spot
2nd 10000 $16000 $16000 Retained Spot
3rd 7500 $10000 $10000 Retained Spot
4th 5000 $6000 $6000 Retained Spot
5th-6th 4000 $4000 $4000 Retained Spot
7th-8th 3000 $2000 $2000 Retained Spot
9th-12th 2500 $1000 $1000 Relegated
Challengers Opens

Prizing Breakdown

Placement Points Prize
1st 25000 $40000
2nd 20000 $24000
3rd 17500 $16000
4th 15000 $8000
5th-6th 12500 $4000
7th-8th 10000 $2000
9th-12th 7500 $0
13th-16th 5000 $0
17th-24th 3000 $0
25th-32nd 2000 $0
33rd-48th 1000 $0
49th-64th 500 $0


Offline Events[]

Date Event 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th-6th 7th-8th
2024-01-28 Boston FC Blacklogo stdFCB Lore Gaminglogo stdLORE Singapore Syndicatelogo stdSGP Houston Spartanslogo stdHS FIVE Media Clanlogo stdFIVE OMiTlogo stdOMiT Pulse Gaming NAlogo stdPUL Clutch Rayn Esportlogo stdCR
2024-03-24 Miami Lore Goldlogo stdLORE G FC Blacklogo stdFCB FIVE Media Clanlogo stdFIVE OMiT EUlogo stdOM EU Boston Academylogo stdBOS.A Team WaRlogo stdWaR Lore Blacklogo stdLORE B Houston Spartanslogo stdHS
2024-05-19 Toronto FC Blacklogo stdFCB Lore Gaminglogo stdLORE OMiT B2Blogo stdOB2B Spitting Demonslogo stdSD OMiT EUlogo stdOM EU Souls Perceptionlogo stdSouls Houston Spartanslogo stdHS Fourth Space Esportslogo stdFSE
2024-07-21 Finals Lore Gaminglogo stdLORE OMiT Brooklynlogo stdOMB FC Blacklogo stdFCB Clutch Rayn x WaRlogo stdCRxW FIVE Media Clanlogo stdFIVE Houston Spartanslogo stdHS OMiT EUlogo stdOM EU Singapore Midnightlogo stdSGPM

Online Events[]

Date Event 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd
2024-01-21 Cup 1 FC Blacklogo stdFCB Singapore Syndicatelogo stdSGP NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL Alpha Esportslogo stdALPH Deviance x Notoriouslogo stdDxN Team WaRlogo stdWaR Mindfreaklogo stdMF Orgless (Asia Pacific Team)logo stdORGL
2024-02-11 Cup 2 Houston Spartanslogo stdHS Boston Academylogo stdBOS.A NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL Logo stdTHEB Deviance x Notoriouslogo stdDxN Team WaRlogo stdWaR Orgless (Asia Pacific Team)logo stdORGL Mindfreaklogo stdMF
2024-02-25 Cup 3 Logo stdCTHU Decimate Gaminglogo stdDCM NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL Alpha Esportslogo stdALPH Anakin Corplogo stdANK Logo stdBREX Mindfreaklogo stdMF Orgless (Asia Pacific Team)logo stdORGL
2024-03-07 Elite 1 Boston Academylogo stdBOS.A Space Fish Tacologo stdSFT None None OMiT EUlogo stdOM EU Team WaRlogo stdWaR None None
2024-03-10 Cup 4 FC Blacklogo stdFCB Singapore Syndicatelogo stdSGP NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL Logo stdTHEB Team WaRlogo stdWaR OMiT EUlogo stdOM EU Mindfreaklogo stdMF PointBlanklogo stdPB
2024-03-17 Cup 5 FC Blacklogo stdFCB Houston Spartanslogo stdHS NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL BearClaw Gaminglogo stdBCG OMiT EUlogo stdOM EU Team WaRlogo stdWaR Orgless (Asia Pacific Team)logo stdORGL Mindfreaklogo stdMF
2024-04-07 Cup 6 Laggin Outlogo stdLAG FC Blacklogo stdFCB NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL BearClaw Gaminglogo stdBCG OMiT EUlogo stdOM EU Team WaRlogo stdWaR Orgless (Asia Pacific Team)logo stdORGL Mindfreaklogo stdMF
2024-04-21 Cup 7 Treaty1 Gaminglogo stdT1G Logo stdRALL NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL BearClaw Gaminglogo stdBCG Logo stdIDGA Logo stdTEAM Mindfreaklogo stdMF Logo stdCDLC
2024-05-02 Elite 2 Houston Spartanslogo stdHS Logo stdORGL None None OMiT EUlogo stdOM EU Team WaRlogo stdWaR None None
2024-05-05 Cup 8 Houston Spartanslogo stdHS Singapore Syndicatelogo stdSGP NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL KAOS Esportslogo stdKAOS Clutch Rayn Esportlogo stdCR FIVE Media Clanlogo stdFIVE Mindfreaklogo stdMF Logo stdCDLC
2024-05-26 Cup 9 Lore Gaminglogo stdLORE OMiT B2Blogo stdOB2B NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL BearClaw Gaminglogo stdBCG Team WaRlogo stdWaR Exceptional Gaminglogo stdEXG Mindfreaklogo stdMF Orgless (Asia Pacific Team)logo stdORGL
2024-06-09 Cup 10 Logo stdBBL Logo stdFINA NGNL Esportslogo stdNGNL Logo stdCLTZ Logo stdTHE Logo stdCOOK Mindfreaklogo stdMF VOIDlogo stdVOID
2024-06-20 Elite 3 OMiT Brooklynlogo stdOMB Fourth Space Esportslogo stdFSE None None Team Falconslogo stdFAL Clutch Rayn Esportlogo stdCR None None
2024-06-23 Cup 11 OMiT Brooklynlogo stdOMB Singapore Syndicatelogo stdSGP Thrivelogo stdTHR BearClaw Gaminglogo stdBCG Clutch Rayn Esportlogo stdCR Exceptional Gaminglogo stdEXG Mindfreaklogo stdMF Orgless (Asia Pacific Team)logo stdORGL
2024-07-07 LCQ Singapore Syndicatelogo stdSGP Singapore Midnightlogo stdSGPM KAOS Esportslogo stdKAOS Logo stdEQUI Logo stdHOUD Noctem x Clutch Raynlogo stdNxC 6F Carolinalogo std6FC Logo stdNAZG



Viewership Statistics[]

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