Call of Duty Esports Wiki


  • Pro Points are awarded for competing in official Call of Duty World League sanctioned events.
  • Pro Points are used to determine seeding for Call of Duty World League events.
  • Updated as of 2017-06-05 (1:30pm EST) via Gamebattles


1 Splyce
Splycelogo square2
BanceJurdMadCatZer0 Total
66,025 65,45066,65063,060 261,185

2 Epsilon eSports
Epsilon eSportslogo square
DqveeVortexHawqehJoshh Total
38,065 39,09037,42550,090 164,670

3 Red Reserve EU
Red Reservelogo square
JoeeUrbanRatedSeany Total
42,605 42,40035,56539,300 159,870

4 Millenium
Milleniumlogo square
PeatieMarkyBMooseNolson Total
38,085 37,78038,67538,755 153,295

5 Fnatic
Fnaticlogo square
SkrapzSunnyBwuskinTommey Total
35,460 35,00035,73535,025 141,220

6 Elevate EU
ZedWatsonReedyDesire Total
32,960 32,65033,06022,915 121,585

7 QwiKeR's Team
Unknown Infobox Image - Team
NiallAlexxQwiKeRDeleo Total
37,855 1,69027,05525,400 92,000

8 Team Vitality
Team Vitalitylogo square
WailersWeemanBraaainShAnE Total
17,085 26,75520,92514,330 79,095

9 Supremacy
Supremacylogo square2
VortexMallsEazyTonyJs Total
22,560 20,64522,60013,275 79,080

10 Team MRN Black
Team MRNlogo square
BenjiSubsistGefKidYohanson Total
19,735 15,65017,53016,805 69,720

11 Revoltables
Unknown Infobox Image - Team
CarbinesdReeaLLRevoltSamB Total
10,220 13,94514,26512,850 51,280

12 Team MRN
Team MRNlogo square
BoabyCeeendurAAAiDaaNieeLUAVSlays Total
11,715 16,2907,53512,690 48,230

13 Vendetta Nation
Unknown Infobox Image - Team
BaldyRiRiRealizeTrance Total
13,240 9,75010,43011,505 44,925

14 Eraiize Gaming
Eraiize Gaminglogo square
PaaqzdReeaLLVerdicTVokado Total
10,395 13,9458,37010,915 43,625

15 Torres' Team
Black Forest Gameslogo square
TorresAddictionMomentusZayrox Total
10,960 10,6208,52012,075 42,175

16 ShuKz's Team
Unknown Infobox Image - Team
ShuKzDexterVoomFjeldzy Total
11,960 10,2308,04511,090 41,325

17 FAB Games eSports
FAB Games eSportslogo square
KiviPieroChoppyTPiece Total
11,470 10,0058,8258,605 38,905

18 Bulldog eSports
Unknown Infobox Image - Team
PattoChunkHaZeeJooordyD Total
9,775 9,1559,5059,330 37,765

19 ArmaTeam
mAxxieZeeKCarbonTypicalNerd Total
10,195 9,6705,20511,395 36,465

20 U4X eSports
Euphoric eSportslogo square
LouiCMJMEDreamzCopley Total
7,100 11,4158,3859,095 35,995

21 Amar's Team
Unknown Infobox Image - Team
AmarSlyZhLevoxSmiler Total
9,565 8,6808,2157,745 34,205

22 ApeX Clan
Unknown Infobox Image - Team
MeNaCeStaanUnwiZeVeziok Total
6,425 9,8008,7808,735 33,740

23 Cosmo's Team
Unknown Infobox Image - Team
CosmoKruzNJM2RETheJDS97 Total
8,515 9,8754,9008,865 32,155

24 Giants Gaming
Giants Gaminglogo square
MethodZTojoRLgendYaKo Total
7,580 7,4807,3759,430 31,865

25 Movistar Riders
Movistar Riderslogo square
DenzaDeanSammyPuNi Total
15,970 4,6004,2505,285 30,105
